“You don’t have a blog-spot account? What? No wai!” I keep hearing that from friends. They keep telling me about how cool it is and how you can post up art work and other stuff. So I finally gave in…
I’ve been slacking off a lot for the past year or so. My drawing skill is a bit rusty, so I decided to finally get off my lazy butt and take ‘Life Drawing’ sessions. My friend, Evan told me about a weekly life drawing session in LA [close to where I work]. I thought about it for a week and decided to check it out on Monday…and I did. I loved it!!! It felt so amazing to be in an environment full of fellow artists again. I felt so comfortable and not so out of place. It was like all my knowledge from 2 years ago in my college life drawing class just burst back into my head. Well, not right away…I was a tad rusty at first. It took about 20min for all of what I’ve learned to start kickin’ in.
I’m planning to post most of my drawings on here mainly because I’d like to see my progression. […and get some critiques and advice?]